Do I Need to Perform a "Patentability Search” for My Invention?

Apr 29, 2024
There is no law or rule requiring an inventor to determine whether their invention is patentable before filing a patent application. In fact, filing a patent application and receiving an examination from a patent examiner at the US Patent and Trademark Office is the only sure way to find out if your invention is patentable. However, there are some limited situations in which it may be advisable to perform some amount of patentability search and analysis prior to making a decision to prepare and file a patent application.The body content of your post goes here. To edit this text, click on it and delete this default text and start typing your own or paste your own from a different source.

What Is a "Patentability" Search?
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A patentability search is a process of identifying publicly available information about the state of the art relevant to your invention as of the filing date of a patent application. Publicly available information, which is commonly referred to as "prior art", may be obtained from a broad range of sources. For example, prior art may include issued US patents, published US patent applications, issued patents and published applications from any country of the world, any document or page of a website accessible over the Internet, textbooks, journal articles, magazines, published research reports, and anything else that has been made widely available. In addition, prior art may include information about an inventor's own activities regarding the subject matter of the invention, such as a public use of the invention and an offer to sell a product or service that incorporates the invention. A prior art “reference” is any document containing information that was publicly available prior to the filing date of a given patent application.

As a practical matter, a patentability search is often limited in its scope. For example, it may be reasonable to limit a patentability search to a few select online databases. This approach may be the most cost-effective approach. However, the databases that are selected may vary based upon the subject matter of the invention. For example, since the United States is a major source of electronic device development and a major market for electronic device sales, US patent databases are a good place to search for a new electronic device invention. Accordingly, a patentability search for a new electronic device may be suitably limited to the patent
databases at the US Patent and Trademark Office and/or a Google Patents search, which includes more than just US patent documents. However, inventions related to, say, production of oil from tar sands are more commonly developed and used in Canada, such that a
patentability search for an invention related to tar sands should definitely include a search of the Canadian Patent Office database. But recognize that any limitation in the scope of the patentability search means that you may not identify some prior art that is relevant to the invention and potentially material to patentability of the invention.

Reasons to P erform a Patentability Search

While some companies may perform a patentability search as part of their normal procedure for determining whether to file a patent application on a particular invention, other companies may be just as intentional about avoiding any patentability search during the development of an invention and filing of a patent application. Either of these policies or procedures is perfectly fine. However, inventors, their patent counsel and anyone else involved in the prosecution of a patent application has a duty to disclose any information that a patent examiner might find to be material to patentability of a patent application directed to the invention. Accordingly, any information obtained because of a patentability search should be either submitted to the USPTO in an information disclosure statement (IDS) or at least evaluated for submission. If an inventor or other person involved in the prosecution is aware of material prior art, failure to submit that material prior art to the USPTO may leave any resulting patent subject to potential invalidation on the basis that the inventor or other involved person failed to live up to their duty of candor to the USPTO.

Reason 1: The Inventor Is New to The Subject Matter of The Invention

I sometimes recommend a patentability search in situations where the inventor does not have much experience in the field of the invention. In my patent prosecution practice, it frequently happens that an inventor has become frustrated with a problem that is a common experience among a large group of people. For example, many people have had the experience of driving a car behind another car that is applying their brakes. The illumination of brakes lights communicates the fact that the other driver is applying the brakes. However, brakes lights are either on or off and do not convey any information about how hard the brakes are being applied and how rapidly the car is decelerating.

Because this is a widespread common experience, there have been numerous attempts to design brake light systems to inform adjacent drivers about the rate of deceleration and, as a result, there is a lot of prior art dealing with these systems. So, I would typically suggest a patentability search for an inventor that has no formal experience working in the field of the invention. However, if the client was a microbiologist or an environmental engineer and the invention was the result of applying their technical expertise in this field, then I might not feel that a patentability search was particularly helpful.

Reason #2: The Inventor Needs Investment to Develop the Invention Into a Commercial Product

Even if the inventor has substantial experience and expertise in the field of the invention, a patentability search may be useful if the development of the invention into a commercial product or new business enterprise will require a significant investment of money. While some invented products may be produced in small quantities in the inventor’s garage with existing equipment, other invented products may require new facilities and expensive technology to even make the first batch of the invention. In the later situation, a rational investor may want to see evidence that there is a high probability of the invented product being patentable. The results of a patentability search may provide that evidence. For example, an individual that is experienced in performing patentability searches may essentially duplicate the same search process that a patent examiner will perform after a patent application is filed. A patent attorney may review the search results and apply the teachings of the prior art in the search results to the invented product in view of the patentability standards. A thorough patentability search report may document the findings and conclusions of this process so that an investor may understand the potentially patentable features of the invented product, if any. While the results of a patentability search and the conclusions of a patentability search report are not perfect and require several assumptions and qualifications, the insights provided by this research may assist an investor in determining whether to invest. After all, an issued patent provides the patent owner with the right to exclude others from making, using and selling the patented invention for a period of up to 20 years from the date of filing, subject to the timely payment of maintenance fees at three times during the life of the patent. This exclusivity can yield high returns on investment.

What to Do with The Results of A Patentability Search

As suggested above, the results of a patentability search may be used to convince an investor to invest in a company that owns the rights to the invention. However, patentability searches and patentability search reports are not perfect and there is always the possibility that material prior art is not located in the search or that the implications of certain prior art is not fully appreciated at the time the report is prepared. For these reasons and others, I view the patentability search as a better tool for ruling out patentability (a negative determination) than for supporting patentability (a positive determination). Accordingly, the primary objective of a patentability search and opinion may be to determine whether we can quickly rule out patentability. If a prior art reference disclosing the entire invention can be quickly identified, then the inventor can avoid the expense of preparing and filing a patent application. Accordingly, the investment in a patentability search may have a high return on investment.

A group of people are walking in front of a large building with columns and windows.
10 Feb, 2023
Short Answer: It depends upon the developmental stage of the invention, your budget and/or whether you are approaching a critical filing deadline. A provisional patent application (also referred to as a "provisional") and a nonprovisional patent application (also referred to as a "nonprovisional") are two different types of "utility" patent applications. This means that both of these types of patent application are intended to lead to legal protection of the new, useful and non-obvious "functional" aspects of an invention. By contrast, a "design" patent application may be used to obtain legal protection of the new, original and ornamental "appearance" of a product design. I'll discuss design patent applications in some other post, but you should know that design patent applications cannot be filed as a provisional. So, the entire topic of whether to file a provisional or nonprovisional is only relevant to utility patent applications filed in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. There are some very important differences between a provisional patent application and a nonprovisional patent application. So, it is important to understand these differences before you can make an informed decision about which type of utility patent application you should be filing.
A man in a blue shirt and tie is holding a binder with papers in it.
08 Sep, 2022
It can be quite exciting to develop a new invention that you believe in and want to protect. But if you don't know how to protect your invention, this experience can also be daunting. So, you may want to engage a patent attorney that specializes in patent application preparation and prosecution. An experienced patent professional can help you avoid many potential pitfalls that can jeopardize your rights in the invention. However, before you set up an initial consultation with one or more patent attorney, you may be well-served to spend some time and effort preparing a high-quality Invention Disclosure.
A black and white photo of a row of columns in a building.
30 Jul, 2022
Alternative Title: Don't embarrass yourself on Shark Tank by talking about your "provisional patent"!
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